WhatsApp Chat Plot

This is a simple app which parses the chat text file exported from WhatsApp to show a plot of messages exchanged between you and your friends over time.

NOTE: The chat file you upload is neither sent nor saved anywhere. You can read the code.

Get Started


Getting the chat text file:

  • Go to WhatsApp Settings > Chats > Chat History > Export chat > Select person/group.
  • Export without media.
  • Then, you'll get the text file. Upload it here.

Date parse format:

  • You've to enter an appropriate format to parse the date in the text file.
  • Visit this and paste one of the dates (from the text file) there to get the format.
  • This parser may not always give the correct result so make sure you do a self check and account for DD/MM/YY vs MM/DD/YY errors. For example, 10/11/10 could be 10th Nov, 2010 or 11th Oct, 2011.
  • Refer this to build the correct format yourself.

Random data

  • Just to test out, click the random button for random plots.


  • Refresh to change colors.

Saving image

  • Right click on chart to copy or save image.
  • You can also use the export button to download the png.


  • Try out a sample chat file from here.
